Call StartUp Initiative: Circular Bioeconomy and Red Biotech & Medical Devices

Call StartUp Initiative: Circular Bioeconomy and Red Biotech & Medical Devices – Deadline 9 Feb 2020

Sei una startup attiva nei campi della Circular Bioeconomy o Red Biotech e Medical Devices?

Se sì, ti ricordiamo le nuove call di StartUp Initiative, la piattaforma di accelerazione internazionale di Intesa Sanpaolo che seleziona startup ad alto potenziale, le inserisce in un percorso formativo e le connette con investitori e imprese.

Call StartUp Initiative

Call StartUp Initiative: Circular Bioeconomy and Red Biotech

Le startup selezionate per i programmi ricevono formazione e feedback del valore di diverse migliaia di Euro, a cura di coach qualificati ed esperti di settore. Le startup più promettenti potranno accedere ad investment forum Italiani e internazionali, dove si presenteranno a investitori in capitale di rischio e potenziali partner industriali.

Lanciato il nuovo percorso per il 2020! Di seguito trovate uno specchietto sintetico della call:


  • Circular Bioeconomy
    • Applications for the Environment and Agriculture / Blue and Green Biotech: nutrient looping; organic fertilizer; organic waste / by-products exploitation; urban farming models, etc.
    • Applications for Industry / white Biotech: bioenergy, innovative biomaterials, bio-based chemicals (i.e. dyes), alternatives to animal protein, CO2 capture and valorization, etc.


  • Red Biotech and Medical Devices
    • Probiotic and prebiotic drugs, nutraceutical, molecular diagnostics, biopharma / biodrugs, etc.

Application Deadline9 Febbraio 2020

How to apply: inviare un business plan o executive summary e un pitch deck in forma libera tramite online application form

Non esitate a contattare per ulteriori informazioni, scrivendo a

Call StartUp Initiative

Segue testo in inglese della call.

Are you a startup active in Circular Bioeconomy or Red Biotech and Medical Devices? If so, we remind you of the new call for the StartUp Initiative, our international acceleration platform which selects promising high-tech startups, coaches them and connects them with financial and corporate investors.

Startups selected for our programs are eligible for several thousand Euros’ worth of investor readiness training and feedback, made available at no charge by qualified coaches and industry experts. The most promising startups will access Italian and international Investor Arenas to pitch in front of financial investors and industrial partners.

We are now gearing up for a new cycle, and would be happy to have you on board! Below you can find a recap of the call, whereas all details are available on the attached document:

  • Circular Bioeconomy 
    • Applications for the Environment and Agriculture / Blue and Green Biotech: nutrient looping; organic fertilizer; organic waste / by-products exploitation; urban farming models, etc.
    • Aplications for Industry / white Biotech: bioenergy, innovative biomaterials, bio-based chemicals (i.e. dyes), alternatives to animal protein, CO2 capture and valorization, etc.
  • Red Biotech and Medical Devices
    • probiotic and prebiotic drugs, nutraceutical, molecular diagnostics, biopharma / biodrugs, etc.

Application DeadlineFeb 9 2020

How to apply: Submit a free-form business plan or executive summary and a pitch deck of your project via our online application form

For any further information do not hesitate to contact us at

We look forward to receiving your applications, and wish you the best of luck!

Team StartUp Initiative